• 獨家開發的交易指標


    Our courses cover fundamental analysis and technical analysis, helping you build a solid foundation for forex trading and improve your trading skills. Foreign exchange teaching Our professional service Foreign exchange teaching technical indicators online course


    1 - 趨勢型指標在市場波動較大時效果更為顯著,指標穩定不重繪

    2 - 此指標可於TradingView上使用,並支援手機操作

    3 - 指標設計簡單易懂,明確指示多方或空方的市場狀況

    4 - 提供自動下單的EA模式,讓您不錯過任何交易機會

    5 - 可透過回測進行復盤,尋找合適的交易商品與時段

    6 - 針對專屬用戶,提供推播通知及社群提醒

    7 - 社群內有線上教學資源,隨時可詢問專業人員

    8 - 收費標準合理,一天的費用低於一杯咖啡即可訂閱使用

    9 - 提供免費試用機會

    Deep understanding of the use of various technical indicators, learning how to analyze market trends, and make wise trading decisions. Technical indicator analysis Our professional service Foreign exchange teaching, technical indicators, online courses



    We offer flexible online courses, allowing you to learn anytime, anywhere, and progress at your own pace. Online course platform Our professional service Foreign exchange teaching, technical indicators, online courses


    專業方案 1:直接訂閱,無需與券商綁定

    半年訂閱:200 美元,適合中短期交易者。全年度訂閱:360 美元,


    專業方案 2:與指定券商合作,享受免費服務

    入金僅需 500 美元,即可獲得免費指標服務!